Sunday, September 18, 2011

Katama Ronald Tojimoh & Isabella Morris Abah Wedding

Have you ever imagine of a Papar & Kadazan costume in white? Well, I have seen one and uniquely presented on Katama & Isabella Wedding. Very suitable for wedding gown. All I can say is unique and God bless! They are now pronounced as husband and wife. I have known Katama since Sumandak dot com decade. You might not able to find this site anymore and the founder has closed down for maintenance few years ago. Katama and I has been virtually friends since then. One day, as I open my FB, I received a message from him asking how we go about pre-wedding and other packages on our business. While I explain, he told me that it is him who are wishing to take us as their photographer. We ( did their pre wedding and then their wedding. Thank you for the trust and here are some shots of their wedding mass at St. Mary Limbahau.
Katama & Isabella Katama & Isabella Katama & Isabella Katama & Isabella Katama & Isabella Katama & Isabella
Katama & Isabella
Katama & Isabella Katama & Isabella Again, Congratulation Katama & Isabella ;)


floyd said...

Congratulations, Katama & wife!
and very nice photos, Girllyen.

TaQuiLa said...

those white costume are awesome! unique! kalau bleh vote, balik balik sa click vote o!

nice shots always :)