Update! Yea, at last I force myself to update my blog. What have I done during my 1st raya? I woke up late, like very late as 12.20. Well, I need a rest and a long long holiday~! ;) Nevertheless, I manage to go out late afternoon, even it was raining and my mom blame because I wore 'baju kurung' that day. hahaha. Jarang jarang pakai bah.. :D I went to my aunt house at Kg. Boronuon, Telipok, and her daughter aka my cousin next door. The food very the sadap and I just cant help to eat all the daging in which I can't normally take it due to allergy issue. After beraya session, I drove up to dear's house, fetch him and heading to Papar, I received an invitation from my chegu friend, si Chegu Less.. haha.. Sorry late, but at least we manage to reach Papar and go back Telipok after that. Nothing much to story actually, just share some picture lah.. (tiada idea ba blogging ni)

My Cousin - Sharlly

The cousins

Between mom and cousin

Happy Birthday Chegu Less

Between the baldy - i like!
My Cousin - Sharlly
The cousins
Between mom and cousin
Happy Birthday Chegu Less
Between the baldy - i like!
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