Thursday, July 15, 2010

Save our nature

I have been searching for a good spot for landscape photography and what I see only rubbish. We should aware about this and help our nature and keep the photographer took better landscape. :(
Save our earth
I can't take clean photo anymore...

Save our earth
Make your start today with no plastic bag


SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

Eeeeee punya lah kotor. Geli mahu pigi mandi sana oh. Di likas ni kan?.

cicak said...


why don't kita bikin small campaign blog sticker for this.

apa la urg puti bilang kalau nampak. diorang suda la anggap Borneo ni paradise. Paradise ka lagi nihhhh

Girllyen said...

SJB.. ya bah.. teruk oo kan.. dorang mandi mandi sama sama sampah.. haduh..

Sisak~ko nda mau tukar nick ko pigi tokek? hahah.. ya kan.. boleh juga.. amacam?

Reanaclaire said...

gosh.. it is our fault, right?
yes, nowadays i go shopping, i try, i try to refrain from taking plastic bags...

Mas Light said...

I thought there is a group of ppl who collects rubbish every now and then? like DBKK? there's too many irresponsible ppl around *sigh.