Monday, July 13, 2009

My First Blood Donation

Yea.. it was my 1st blood donation session. Frankly speaking, I am not nervous at all, but the fact was, my hand shaking when the nurse trying to check my blood, my mouth mumbling ask the Queen Elizabeth staff *4 wife 1 husband question on blood donation. I was the annoying person in the room. Minta maaf lah.. sebab bising and banyak soalan ok..

pemandangan 1

On the 8th of July, my company have this mandatory annual event, and every year they invite any representative who organize this blood donation campaign. This year, Queen Elizabeth have time to visit our place. As I remember, last time was St John ambulance or PBSM.. Either one.. My heart suddenly feel like save-life-taste.. So, for the 1st time in 3 years serving in this company.

Before you donate.. you must know.. are you qualified to donate or not..

pemandangan 2

You can donate if..
1) Age 18 to 60 years old..
2) Your weight must be more than 45 kg... more.. not less..
3) Hemoglobin must be more than 12.5 gm% (dont paninc, the nurse will check for u)
4) Must be healthy ;)

You can't donate for the time being (temporary only) if,
1) Took some medicine or antibiotic
2) Lack of sleep (5 hours and below)
3) PMS
4) Feeling unwell like fever during blood donation day
5) U have high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, allergy, and any other decease that not allow you to donate blood

You cannot donate, if
1) Involved in homosexual relationship
2) Involved in bisexual relationship
3) Involved in multiple sexual partner
4) Involved in prostitution
5) Involved in all of the above
6) Drug abuse

If you eligible to donate, then come on, come saves life. The nurse or doctor will check everything for you and you just have to fill up the form and follow the procedures. I have done all, but unfortunately, the doctor says, my veins too small which lead to unsuccessful blood suction. Will try again next year.. Sedih bah tu muka tidak berjaya menderma..
oh no..

*4 wife 1 husband: Who, What, Where, Why and How.


kuai said...

huh... last sa derma pada 2003.. lepasa derma, sa pula yang mau pitam.. hahaha.. last2 kena suruh tidur 30 minit lagi... sandi..>.<

sa masi berbesar hati lagi mau derma darah ni, cuma tu jarum ja bikin sa pitam..

congratulation girl!.

Isa said...

aiseh.. sy ndak tau bah.. klu tau sy pigi sana oh..

Girllyen said...

kuai.. syok oo tu perasaan derma darah.. hahaha..

isa.. next time if ada.. sya bgtau ko ok..

Miq said...

bgus tu kalo derma darah...masih igt lagi cikgu sains dulu bgtau. 3 kali sudah derma....stahun at least skali pun bgus bah. ada benifit juga tu....

Jason said...

Syok kan Girl. Tapi apa prasaan ko yang time tu jarum basar kluar? Sia dulu begegar ba... Gila.. Sampai siap sudah sia derma darah pun masih lagi sia shaking ni.. Wahahaha..

*I'm fobia with needle. ;p

Qhris said...

wah congratulations! c orkid pun selalu derma darah blm pernah sbb teda peluang ni konon haha

Girllyen said...

Miq.. yeah.. byk benefit dia ni.. ;)

Jason.. ko fikir sya? Hahaha.. acting cool.. padahal.. mengeletar.. :D

Laling.. cuba bah.. syok~ ;)