Thursday, September 2, 2010

Do you think you are health enough?

I don't think so. Weight problem is not good especially when your cholesterol is high. My menstrual is unbalance, sometimes up to 6 months late. Our panel doctor just briefed about Weight Management last month and he mention about the side effect of not get your sleep more than 8 hours a day. People who normally sleep less than 4 hours per day will get high risk of heart attack, and it is proven that for female, they will experience of early menopause. It was scary to hear about it because you will not face the health effect at young age, only after you reach the golden age of 40, then you will suffer. I don't want to end my life like that! We all have to take care of ourselves, though a japanese ever told me that they sleep less than 4 hours a day because they produce more to their own life but the fact was they are trying to kill their life time! I hope it's not too late for me to change my current lifestyle. The anemia in me must be killed. From now on, I will have my own pledged. Write on a paper and make it happen. Be discipline and start a new happy life. For a good start, I will sleep at 10pm every night. ;)

Yes, I'm using Nikon D90 with Sigma 10-20mm and Canon 450D with 50mm f1.8 lens on Gerry & Jessica's Wedding. What's wrong? Thanks to Sebastian for the photo and Amuzo for lending his Canon 450D + 50mm f1.8 :D

*I need a pedicure!


Mas Light said...

Yes, I am health conscious. I jog almost everyday and I control my fewd intake. No more junk fewd for me. Okay maybe every now and then. And I increased my sleeping hours. I used to sleep for 3-5 hours a day. Now I sleep 8-9 hours a day hehe~ And I used to have problem sleeping. I think since I started on my exercise regime, I sleep soundly hehe.

Annie said...

Wah hebat oh gear ko.. ^_^

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

Macamana lah mahu tidur 8 hours kalau ada baby hehehe.