Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Night

Location: Queen Elizabeth, Hospital.
Time: Noon
Purpose: Visiting my dad's closest friend. I called him, brother.
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
He is sick, so sick. Skin and bone is left with him. Sad. He say, he missed my father very much. Tears fall. Prayer from heart. Trying to make he still can survive. Miracle. Give a little help God. I have not ready to let him meet my dad. God bless you Terence. We love you.

Location: Yogur Berry
Time: After visiting.
Purpose: Having a short break with Mom while waiting Oyo from CP.
Yogur Berry
Having some scoop of Yogur Berry while playing a not famous game title Afternoon of Darkness. Tired of playing and waiting, we went to CP instead of waiting.

Location: POSE Boutique, Center Point.
Time: After Yogur Berry
Purpose: Look for new outfit, but since I put on weight, bought nothing.
2nd Edition
Drop at POSE boutique, it seems there were so many new arrivals. Too bad, I put on weight so nothing was fit into me. Well, I have to lose some. Thanks to Nina, she introduce me the new streetpress in town, Bandwidth. Get it from POSE boutique.

Location: Chapel St. Petrus, Tampulan
Time: Evening
Praying?: Yes, it's Easter Night.
Easter Night
The prayer start at 7pm and finish at 9.30pm.

Location: my bedroom, home.
Time: Night
Reading?: Bandwidth, first publication.
The new streetpress in town is very informative. Though the layout of the magazine is simple, but content are much more details. To know more about our local and non local DJ like DJ Chelsea, you must get this magazine. For more info, please visit
kk bandwidth

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